(CC BY-NC-SA 2.0) Dekuwa
Scientists claim that playing computer games is one of the biggest
causes of childhood obesity. By playing computer games all day teenagers are
more likely snack on fatty foods and with the absence of exercise due to the
computer games this fat is stored and builds up over time and can be very
difficult to get rid of in the future. Overweight kids often suffer emotionally
and mentally as they face ridicule and teasing about being "fat."
Even more crucial, however, is the adverse effect on their health as kids carry
excess weight to the point that it strains their joints and overburdens their
internal organs and bodily functions. Therefore children are encouraged to get
more physical exercise everyday, for at least 60 minutes.
Thanks to technology however there is a way where children can
enjoy computer games and keep physically active. Nowadays not all computer
games require sitting on the couch for hours upon hours. New technology such as
the Wii, PlayStation Move and Xbox Kinect integrate both fun and fitness into
games for people to enjoy. Games such as Wii sports and Olympics require
the user to use hand motions and gestures to control the game and all the time
standing up and moving around and not just sitting on the couch using two
thumbs. There are also games such as Dance Dance Revolution for the PlayStation
Move that requires jumping and quick movements which are great aerobic
exercises and help lose weight fast. Technologies like these can be cheaper
than gym memberships and fulfil the same purpose.